The Winds of War

I’ve been watching ‘The Winds of War’ a tv miniseries based on the novel by Herman Wouk. ‘The Winds of War’ and a second novel, ‘War and Remembrance’ are two excellent works about World War II.

I say ‘excellent’ instead of brilliant, because the characters are shuffled around by their duties and jobs to key locations in the global conflict like Warsaw and Singapore, so sometimes they feel a little contrived.

From ‘Pug’ Henry (Robert Mitchum), US Naval Attache in Berlin, we learn about the everyday procedures by which the Nazi leadership plundered the Jewish community. We learn how Goering got rich, and then we get to go to a lavish party at the home of his favored banker.

Similarly, Pug’s son goes to a wedding in Poland right when the Nazis invade.

These scenes broaden our understanding of the world before WWII that was smashed to smithereens by the conflict.

There are a few things you have to overlook to enjoy the tv miniseries. For me the big one was the phony German accents, especially the guy playing Hitler. He did a good job, but he rolls his Rs and it sounds completely wrong. I can’t explain it exactly, but any German would recognize it immediately. He sounds like Sergeant Schultz in Hogan’s Heroes.

But what Wouk got right – really right – was the social transition to the Nazi regime, how it affected ordinary people that you and I might recognize – housewives, waiters, real estate agents – when the worst people were in positions of power.

Think of a second term for Trump, when all the decent Republicans who worked for him the first time around are shopping books about what a pig he is.The second time around he’ll have to reach down for the scum, as Hitler did

Think of Marjorie Taylor Greene as superintendent of schools firing all the teachers who say bad things about America. Think of Stephen Miller as chief of police giving badges and guns to rapists and racketeers to rape and steal at will.

And the billionaire backers who were taken by surprise when he first won. They’re ready this time.

I know both my readers are going to vote correctly, so I don’t expect to have any effect on the outcome of this election. I guess I’m just bracing myself for the worst and wondering, ‘Why are so many people devoted to this repulsive man?’