A Rip Van Winkle Tour of the Old Neighborhood
Took a trip to School Street in Dedham, Mass., where I failed to grow up. On the corner is the bicycle shop that everyone said was a bookie joint, though I don’t know of anyone who ever got a bet down.
I went over to Dave Dethlefs house to see what he was up to, but he wasn’t home. Probably out biking somewhere.
Went to Miss Jakes’ yard to collect some horse chestnuts from the giant tree there. The tree was gone, and so was the wire fence.
Went down Worthington Street to see if my friend Mac Lloyd wanted to hang out. Turns out he’s building cabins in Maine somewhere.
So I thought I’d check in with my friend Peter Bird. Turns out he passed away thirty years ago.
Then I went home to my house, but someone has painted it pinkish brown and done stuff to the old barn.
Went to St. Paul’s Church, where I sang in the choir.
They still have the stained glass window with soldiers trampling on coolie hats.
October 18, 2021 @ 7:04 am
I enjoyed this hometown tour.
June 1, 2023 @ 3:49 pm
Did I tell you long ago that I was a regular customer of the Donovan family when we lived in Dedham? I did a regular Tuesday night ride with Matt, who I estimate to be in his late 30’s about now and who currently runs the shop after working with his father for many years. We would go from Nahanton Park I think it’s called out through Needham and into Dover and back, about 30 miles. It was pretty intense, averaging >20 mph. We bought several bikes there for our son Harrison. They weren’t my regular shop but they did a lot of work for me and I bought accessories there. Never put down a bet though.
June 1, 2023 @ 3:52 pm
The Dedham square and other locations in the town were locations for the very good movie The Friends of Eddie Coyle, based on the novel by George Higgins. Starred Robert Mitchum and Peter Boyle.