Beating the Heat

Here’s my method for beating the heat:

When I go swimming on a really hot day and keep my bathing suit on, I’m uncomfortable in a wet bathing suit, even though it’s really hot.

BUT, if it’s really hot and I put on a damp shirt, it cools me off. I discovered this one day when I took a damp shirt out of the laundry and put it on.

My conclusion is that bathing suit areas of the body don’t like damp clothes, even when it’s hot.

So my solution is to jump in my kiddy pool with my clothes on, and then put on a dry bathing suit under my wet clothes. Don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it. Keeps me cool all day.

Of course the “nuclear option” on a hot day is to jump in the kiddy pool with my clothes on and take a ride on my scooter. Don’t try this at home unless it’s really, really hot. You’ll freeze your ass off.