Demons Get Ready

The demons in Hell are happily heating up the red-hot pokers and sharpening their tridents to welcome their latest soul in torment, Father Richard Lavigne, who passed away far too late last Friday at a nursing home in Greenfield.

Father Richard Lavigne
Father Richard Lavigne

Lavigne pleaded guilty to molesting two boys in 1992, and received a sentence of ten years’ probation. Everyone knew at the time that he had killed Danny Croteau, but there wasn’t enough evidence to convict him. Even after his guily plea, the Catholic Church kept him on as a priest for TEN YEARS.

The diosese paid 1.4 million to SEVENTEEN plaintiffs abused by Lavigne, and while all abuse is criminal and deplorable, Lavigne brutally raped and humiliated his victims, which is what led Danny Croteau to threaten him with exposure.

Lavigne talked to a state trooper during the last days of his life, and said enough to produce an indictment. Then he died, to no one’s satisfaction except the demons of hell, who have, no doubt, prepared a satisfactory reception.