Naked Nude Orgy

I just wanted to take the time to say what fun it is to write this blog. It’s the most fun I’ve ever had with my pants on — although I do occasionally blog naked.

So when Google decided to downgrade my blog from a five to a four, I decided I wouldn’t let that change anything. I’ll just go on bringing you fascinating writers like Leo Tolstoy, Charles Dickens, George F. Kennan, Armand de Caulaincourt and Marcel Proust — well not him, he’s too boring — but lots of other high-brow kind of authors.

While some other guy might try to resort to cheap tricks to boost his Google ranking, I’m going to just keep on keeping on. “Go with what you know,” as they say. You know why?

Because writing this blog is as much fun as a naked nude orgy. I have never been to a naked nude orgy, and I don’t know anyone who has been to one, that I know of… Still I feel confident that the amount of fun I have writing this blog is equivalent to or greater than the fun that people have at a naked nude orgy.