Visiting the Cherokee Nation

Historical Interpreter Scottie Ennis explains the Cherokee form of government at the Council House at the Ancient Village at the Cherokee Heritage Center
Historical Interpreter Scottie Ennis explains the Cherokee form of government at the Council House at the Ancient Village at the Cherokee Heritage Center

I just got back from a wonderful visit to the Cherokee Nation. I had a great time and I learned a lot. I went to Will Rogers’ 131st birthday party, visited his birthplace and explored the Will Rogers Museum. I went to a lot of important places in the history of the Cherokee Nation, visited a recreation of an early Cherokee village, and saw a very moving exhibit on the Trail of Tears at the Cherokee Heritage Museum that gave me a whole new insight into American history.

I also had a chance to meet Principal Chief Chad Corntassle Smith and talk about the past, present and future of this remarkable people. I look forward to writing about all this at length for and sharing my photos and videos.

One of the most important highlights of my trip was meeting a lot of friendly and knowledgeable people, like our tour guides Lauren Jones and Joe Knight.

Our guides Joe Knight and Lauren Jones in traditional 19th-century Cherokee clothing
Our guides Joe Knight and Lauren Jones in traditional 19th-century Cherokee clothing