Welcome Feedback

Blogging is great fun when you’re “on” and not as much fun when you’re “off.”

One thing that gets me back “on” when I’m “off” is reader feedback. At my high school reunion I was talking to a very close buddy whom I hardly ever see, and I usually don’t do this but I mentioned I was writing a blog. Don’t you hate people who are always carping about their blogs?

Anyway, he said, “I love your blog. I read it with my sons all the time.” That put me on Cloud Nine for weeks. Thanks, Philip!

More recently I’ve heard from several readers who picked up the books I was talking about and really enjoyed them. I get a kick out of that because it’s a way of giving something back to the authors who have given me so much enjoyment, even if they are most of them dead and gone.

Here’s a review of “Captain Blood: He’s Not Mean, That’s Just His Name” from Jean Goforth of Alabama:

“Based on your post, I purchased used copies of ‘Captain Blood’ and ‘Scaramouche’. I sat them on my husband’s reading table (because my book-reading time is limited). Upon examining them, he said he didn’t think they were ‘his thing’. But he’s absorbed by ‘Scaramouche’, immersed in that world, needing repeated calls before coming out of it. And that makes a memorable book. Can’t wait for my turn. Thanks for the recommendation.”

Scaramouche really is a corker. It was made into a movie, too.

Jean’s fascinating blog “Go Forth Alabama” was recently picked up by the Alabama megasite al.com (congratulations, Jean!), so you can find it in two places here and here.

Jean also liked “Intrepid Solo Women’s Travel — Isabella Bird.”

“I got my hands on this book when I was in high school,” she writes. “I tried several times to read it, but never got very far. You’ve inspired me to try again. Thanks!”

Thank you, Jean. Once you get to her romance with Mountain Jim, the book will gallop away with you.