Filter Like Mad and Don’t Look Horny

I’ve been going through the notebooks of my late friend Bob Hay, and in this second batch of notebooks I’ve found some excellent long poems of interest to me and possibly other friends of Bob, but not much to present to the general public without a lot of editing, But I did find two poems worth publishing written by… me!
I wrote two poems in Bob’s notebooks in 1977, one of them dedicated to my old college chum The Honorable Mary Kristina Pickering of the Nevada Supreme Court. She wasn’t honorable then, I mean, she was honorable, but she wasn’t The Honorable, as they call Supreme Court judges. I have never concealed my admiration for Judge Pickering, who has always been a Bette, then and now.
My poem went:

Helen launched a thousand ships
No mean fleet
But you could win the Battle of Midway
Without air support.
Then there’s another poem by me:
A voice is a vice
That ties your thought to words
Words can’t fly with thoughts
So shut up.
Be a banana bird in a windy city
Or cat leaves on the walk.
Filter like mad
And don’t look horny.