Tag Sale Day in Deerfield

We had a real orgy of tag sales in Deerfield Saturday — more than sixty!

It all started when my entrpreneur cousin Max, founder of the Deeerfield Attractions website, went to a town-wide tag sale in New Jersey and thought he would try out the idea up here.

The idea really caught on and people all over town decided to take the plunge and get rid of their old stuff. I think everyone is always on the verge of having a tag sale, so it just took a little nudge to push them over the edge.

There were a lot of neighbors meeting neighbors and everybody had a lot of fun. I heard quite a few people say they hope it turns into an annual event.

Just goes to show what a little creative energy can do.

This picture is of the tag sale held by the NOMAD volunteers, who got their name because they used to have meetings at the GoNOMAD Cafe. They are some energetic young people who go around the world doing good deeds. I invited them to write up their travels for GoNOMAD.com.

Tag sailing is a lot of fun for me and my mom, who made me bookish. I go in for books and records, tools and clothes. She goes for smarmy statuettes and plates with poems on them.

We get a lot of residual enjoyment out of it too, because I’ll go by the next day and she’ll say, “Look what I found!”