To My Friend Kent St. John
Kentski, you have been such a wonderful friend, ever since our first party at Essie’s house in Edgartown, not because you brought great wine and sushi, but because you brought yourself, and you are such a gracious person, full of love for the world and for humanity, as anyone can see in your stories, some of which it had been my privilege to edit.
It is a body of work which speaks for itself — stories that go beyond international travel to the realm of international understanding which is, in the last analysis, the hope of the world.
I have just received your Ethiopia story, and it is more of the same. This is precisely what GoNOMAD is all about, the factor which makes it a pleasure to come to work every day.
Every reader, every traveler, is one more person who understands that ‘unamerican’ is not a bad word and that the USA needs the world far more than the world needs the USA.
I’m not eulogizing you, my friend, because I know we’ll be working together for many years to come. I just thought this might be a good time to say, this once, those things which usually go without saying.
June 9, 2010 @ 8:51 am
A nice description of our old chum. Spot on!
June 9, 2010 @ 9:50 am
Lovely. Kent’s joie d’ vivre is a tonic that enriches us all, indeed. Naturally, his writing manifests that. We are all fans.
June 9, 2010 @ 12:10 pm
Damn thank you so much, tears to the eyes. Steve you have always made my pieces kook good, not easy, I think you just get it.Many more get togethers and stories for us… This really moved me…