Xena and the Dudgiebobos

Xena the Warrior Princess and Mr. and Mrs. Dudgiebobo
Xena the Warrior Princess and Mr. and Mrs. Dudgiebobo

This is a photo of Xena the Warrior Princess and Mr. and Mrs. Dudgiebobo, two knitted people given to my daughter by a wonderful woman in our writing group, the late Mary Molner, author of The Stone Bee and other stories. Sarah named them herself when she was a baby.

Xena and I went out for a while, but it didn’t work out. As everyone knows, guys my age sometimes have to get up in the night to pee. Slipping away was easy, but you take your life in your hands trying to get back in bed with a sleeping warrior princess. I’d usually just sleep on the couch and get a sore neck.

We finally broke up, and that’s when she gave me the poster. She signed it, “To Steve, my favorite wimp — Xena.”